Friday, November 28, 2008

You have to fix him

What if how everything works is wrong? Or at least how I think it works is wrong. That would be shocking. Stunning. Fan-flippin-tastic. Life was boring two hours ago. I applied for a normal job, got an interview, took the interview, and am waiting for a phone call, but that is hardly exciting. I think it fits under "life two hours ago". In some things, I know almost nothing, and in others I am nearly a master. Or I hope I am. I could not tell you what those things were, but they must be there. This is why I cannot prove things. How about we take all those things, and throw them out the window? Sound good? We can start fresh. I can start fresh. Do it right. What right? Life. I can be, but so can rocks. I can live, really live. Now, what if television made your life less boring? Is that weird? Is that sweet? Is that sad? I do not know.

The restart button thinks he is ten years old.

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