Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Grease Buckets

They are trying to teach me to speak effectively. That means not rambling. I enjoy rambling. It is what I do. Effective speaking requires that you only say things that relate directly to your objective. All of this means I am not a very effective speaker. Good thing I am not speaking.
There is a really cool guy who goes to my church. His name is Trevor. He is getting up there in age and is really funny and has a thick accent so you really have to listen to hear what he is saying. He walked over to me and asked what I was going to tell him. And we are off. We talked about jobs, what I like to do (I need a better answer for that one), spiritual gifts, service, and prayer and plans and such. I wish I had the right words.
He said something I had never heard before. He said that if I don't have a plan, the devil does. Or something like that. It was in relation to morning devotions, about how it is vitally important to connect with God every morning, how when we don't and do the stuff we always do, someone else ...gah. You know? Ha. He drew it up in such a way that I thought of those super hero movies. How the bad guy tries to turn those who aren't the hero to the bad side. If you just spoke with captain fantastic and dr horrible tries to tell you lies about your hero, you know it's garbage.
So, devotions. Do them. And don't let me be a hypocrite.

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