Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Peacing out

I stole my sister's laptop! Aha! From my brother, funny enough. I'm not terribly fond of lappy keyboards. This one is missing the f key, which weirds me out. But hey, I adventured and want to tell, whether you care or not.

Once upon a time, there was a rock. This rock was called an island by those who 'discovered' it, but it was just a big rock. They convinced me to camp on this. Or maybe I made the suggestion before I saw the 'island'. I liked it though. We needed three trips to get the four of us and all our stuff across in that tiny, deflating dingy, but we made it. THERE WAS A GIANT BIRD!!! Josh and I were first to approach the island, and there was a log/person looking thing on top of where we were supposed to sleep. It was a bird. It was child sized. Maybe childlike. It didn't stick around long enough for us to get accquainted very well.

We made us some cheese quasidillas. Josh was our chef. Did anything exciting happen that night? The sunset was pretty, and there were not any bugs, as far as I could tell. The stars were everywhere! And the phosphoresence was in the water. It was very beautiful. I didn't sleep very well. If I were a writer, I would write about how I was thinking about the stars and phosphoresence and how I revelled in God's creation, or was inspired somehow. I wasn't. I did stare at the stars a while. Watched a satallite. Noticed all my stuff was wet. Brynn said he peed on my pillow, but it had to be more than that. Jon said moisture happens at night. Like it was common knowledge. That I forgot. Not comfortable.

I peed a lot. We figured the tide would be down by morning. It wasn't. I'm going take the credit. When I woke up and the sun was up, I had enough with my wet stuff and bad sleep. Josh was pretty much up. Brynn was the only one who didn't really get up. Josh made us breakfast (whipped, I tell ya. jokes), and we three went for a boat ride. It was about five in the morning. Brynn was up on our return.

Then what? I don't even know. Maybe I drank a coke? Is that note worthy? The tide was going down slow, but still going down. New areas were opening up to be explored. At first, it just allowed us to hop to other rocks without getting wet, but then it got down to sand. Spider crabs, sea annenomies. Where is my spell check? Tiny fish. There were mussels everywhere. I'd say muscles, but...I gotta work on that. And jellyfish. Jellyfish everywhere. I tried to catch one with a spear. Yeah right. The sea life was easily fasinating.

However, Brynn and Josh were more interested in building stuff, and as our ever growing rock had not a single tree, we had to make trips over to the mainland. Or the big island. Full of chinese. They brought us back some wood Matthew and I didn't really want, then told us it was our turn to get some. We lack wood gathering skills. Or tying skills. Water floating skills? There was an octopus stump.

We got some would back, and the natives made a fuss. Matthew left early. We found a skull. Defs not human. I've watched cop shows. I know. It was probs a seal skull. We figured. Brynn the boat around the island by himself. Tres difficult to manouver by oneself. I threw starfish at him. He told me if I hit him, he would be especially upset, and would beat me. I tried getting them into the boat without hitting him. Almost, but he deflected with his paddle.

We packed up, and went home. At some point, I decided I didn't need to have a shirt. Now I have a nice burn. If it doesn't go peeling on me, my farmers tan will be a thing of the past. The three of us were very tired. I went home and lazed around for hours. filled out some important forms. Got jon and tommy to see a movie with me at seven. Except...

Jon's keys vanished. Straight up. We searched all the logical places it could be, then illogical, and still, gone. We looked for over an hour. They were nowhere. He better tell me where he finds them. So that actually didn't happen. I tried to outlast the sun, since I got up when it did, but I didn't sleep very well, and the sun has some crazy endurance. Did not beat the sun. Ugh.

Then, I got a haircut this morning. Ali cut my hair. It is very short. But, I won't have to worry about my hair for a while now. All according to plan. I always tense up when I'm getting a haircut. Haircuts don't care me. It's always some pretty girl cutting my hair though. Crows scare me. I was walking, andsome crow started following me. Whatevs. Caw all you want. Then it swoops past my head. ahahh2qhvahhsdbsdibvhdbjlb. Bit sketched. Not the first time that happened either. I left jon's house. There is a dead bird outside. crow maybe. Another one on the powerlines. Swoops. I snap and point, it backs of. Still, I'm freaked.

Damn crows.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

That light looks like a trumpet

I was watching a musical about a villian. We were going to try to recreate it, but I realized my voice doesn't compare to that of whoever I was supposed to play. What gave me the gall to even think that? Sometimes, you just gotta hit your head real hard to come back to your senses. Or step back and think about things a whale. hmm.

You know how guys can not think about stuff? Totally happening right now. I guess that's okay though. The internet won't see me for a whale, and I'm okay with that. I'm almost done that girl book. I like it a bunch. I think I like Africa. Although, right now I'm useless. What do I do? I can play a little music, or play with their children. Children can entertain themselves. The only time they don't is when you give them technology. Who said this was a good idea? And they make better music than I make. Some might say it is just different, but they don't know what they are talking about.

I guess I go to bible college in September, and they will teach me...What do you learn at a bible college? Learn to read the bible? Talk to Jesus? I guess everyone needs Jesus. Maybe they will teach me that better. But I want to help. Talking a bunch about something doesn't help. It's a bit annoying actually. I'd rather know how to build something or fix something. Grow food and useful things like that. Be a doctor. Save lives. Right now...

I was told that some people know exactly what they have to do to get where they want after the tracks of high school end. Where to go, who to talk to. They've got it all worked out. Me? I'm just figured out where I want to go. No idea how to get there. And they don't make maps for this. Not good ones anyway. There's a guy I admire greatly, who says that we have to wait on the Lord. I'm hesitant of christianese, but he said that so far, God has been taking him to good and better places, so why not? Ain't let him down yet. Maybe...

We'll see.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I will talk to other people after this.

Umm so my computer is broken. Pretty much forever. Kyle tried to fix it for about three hours. Knothing. We were going to hang out, but I was a rag doll and the computer was frustrating. It likes to turn itself off whenever it wants. Which is tres often. Not useful. Let's explain why I was a rag doll. Ready?

I have a month left to see everyone/do everything/make sure I got all the things I might need for two and then four and four months of being gone. Maybe longer. Hopefully longer. I don't think I need to live with my parents anymore. but anyway, thursday was the market, but before that I was in vic with josh and chris. Bubble tea is a strange drink, but I find it grows on you. Just not 'tangy'. Yuck. Michael was a model. I witnessed that. And then he and Christine and I tried to do stuff, but it didn't work...maybe? I can't actually remember what I did. We might have ended the night with playing music. I think.

I think we might have played music on friday too. Unless that was at night. Might have been. Nope. I did stuff friday. Believe you me. But Saturday it gets fun. Saturday I got to thrid street cafe bright and early, nine fifteen or something like that. fortyfive. nine forty five. Anyway, got a table around ten, started worrying that maybe breakfast wasn't at ten and I've lost my mind, texted my lost band mates."I've got a table". Brynn was outside and saw that I had a table, found me, and I wasn't worried anymore. Michael was in his truck. And confused. Why did Werner get a table? do we need a table? Where did he a get table? the side of the road? He thought things like that for a whale. Until he realized we were eating breakfast and all that jazz. We went to Brynn's, where the show was to occur. Did occur. Started setting up. Kyle came and helped. Kyle made us sound better. I would say good, but brynn's dad said he couldn't make us sound good. That it was impossible. He might have just been talking about me. Kyle said something about it being nice if we had a table. That made us laugh. A little bit.

showtime came. The audience drifted in like an icebreaking vessel through the arctic. With less power. And slower. English is a funny language. Oh, so we played our pretty tunes, and they clapped. The neighbours didn't come over for a while, but they cheered for us through the trees. Pretty dang sweet. We chilled for much time after. Eventually there were about nine of us. But Michael wanted to eat his birthday pie, and Elizabeth, as the pie maker, wished to see him enjoy it. I keep telling him something is there, but...I also tell him he doesn't have to listen to me in these matters. Where is my experience? The seven remaining went and climbed horth hill. Didn't get home till late. Legs covered in insect bites. Those are the nights that make life worth it. Except for mosquitoes. Birthed in me is a deep hatred for insects. Maybe the world would be hosed without them, but there are so many, I should be able to kill everyone I see. Right?

Ten seemed too early, but I made it to church. Ate breakfast after. Third street again. Some diplomacy at Jon's. I made mistakes. Jon took Iberia from my french grasp. But I'd like to see those English try to recover. Heh heh heh. Ate in the skid. Climbed a tower. Beautiful. I have to do that again before I go. After, we stood and conversed with each other for...who knows? An hour maybe? It started off 'where should we go?', but place didn't really matter. And then, time flies.

Monday wasn't terribly exciting till later. I saw Michael for a couple hours. Then at five a few of us went downtown and played billiards. And assassin? I think that is what it is called. Jon stole the 'candies'. They weren't candies. He didn't mean to. Cactus club. They've got one fancy restroom. There was even a chair. For lounging. Maybe? That part was weird. Came back to skid town, enjoyed the beach, checked out the phosphoresence and then it was tres late, and time to go. I think I made a new friend, but turns out I might never see them again. There's that.

That's enough. It just get's boring again after that. Sort of. I heard 'Look Out Behind You!' is playing at serious coffee at 7pm on the 21st. And on the 26th and the Cronk house. Those are cool things I'll probs attend.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


My house is a sauna. So hot. Sitting here makes me sweat. The air...It's warm like that. You know how, when is a sauna, it gets harder to breath, and even if it didn't, it feels different? As though the air was laced with warm moisture? It feels like that. I was told being in the sauna for a bit and then taking a cold shower was crazy good for your skin. You sweat pretty well, cleaning out the dirt, and then washing it out all nice. Good for the pores.

I am now unemployed. It's great. Sometimes, when I'm walking along, I remember that I'm unemployed, and that it summer time, and I get excited. Right there on the street. Not that that doesn't happen all the time, or like you could tell. Just trust me. Today, I was in Sidney for a couple hours, and... My shirt has a hole in the top, where one of my shoulders are. The sun burnt one of my shoulders through that hole. Isn't that crazy? Some people like this. I think I have to grab someone and jump in the ocean. I would just jump in by my lonesome, but then I would look like a fool. And I ain't no fool. Or maybe...

I imagine myself talking like this to people. How all my words are worth hearing, never mumbled, always confident. They smile and let me finish whatever I'm saying. It's always brilliant and funny. Whatever they say always makes it better. Recently, I realized it isn't like this. In all likelihood, I'll probably be shy or awkward or a jerk. Or mumble. I always know what I am saying, and when you know what you are saying, it doesn't really matter what you sound like. So I really don't know. Bad volume control. In this imagination of mine, the scenes are always different. I talked to a guy I'm seeing over the next two days sometime (ain't fully sure. That's why I was talking with him. Still ain't fully sure.) and pictured myself being funny and impressive, as I always do. Though, I never am. For some reason, he thinks I'm awesome. I haven't the foggiest. I got there and there was this other guy talking about some other thing. The nerve. So I stood and waited until he was gone, but the moment for funny/impressive/imagined me was gone. As usual.

My dad's a pretty funny guy. When I was a kid, I don't think I liked as much as I do now. We were lazy kids. Still are. We need to told, to be yelled, what we should have been doing. We still do. But now, I don't really care how much you yell. If you yell at someone for a while, and they don't care, all you are is tired. Why were you yelling? Anyway, my dad will, when you tell him about some situation (almost anything), he will tell you what he would have done. I would place a stack of money on that is not what he would have done. He's just saying that. I have found myself doing that too. That's what cool, imagined me would have done. We'll call him Wilhelm. For kicks.

Some people told me I walk like my dad. I found that strange. My parents... I watch them. Casually. If they are around. They've been married for twenty something years. It's okay I don't know, because the number changes on saturday. I intend to get married one day. I've been told by a guy or two that I have the gift of celibacy, but I think they were joking. When I get married, I intend it to last a while. Like, forever sounds good. It's interesting to see what one looks like in twenty years. My mother whines a bunch in my opinion. I tell her this, but she doesn't seem to approve. I probably wouldn't either, if my son told me that.

Despite unemployment, I think I have managed to fill up this week with people to see. I should be seeing people, because I don't want to think very much. Thinking gets me in trouble. Makes sad. The idle mind is the devil's playground. I read that in a book today. It made me smile microscopically. I was in that musical. Except, in the book, they said 'workshop' instead of 'playground'.
