Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Splatter Pattern

I can't wait to be an old man. One of the friendly ones. The cute old guy with his cute old wife and everybody loves them. They tell great stories, and they think their jokes are funny, and that's funny enough. And they can say what they think, for better or worse, without really worrying about how other people will see them. Being old gives them some leeway. The potential of being seen as wise and/or knowledgeable has some allure as well.

A friend of mine always jokes with me about us being old rednecks sitting in old rocking chairs out front of our house, enjoying the company. Another friend thinks by the time our generation is old, the senior centers will be filled with LAN parties. It's weird to think about.

I realized today that I haven't been applying my philosophies evenly. Purposefully? I think that what I'm doing now is what I'll be doing then, for the most part. Waiting for something to happen won't suddenly have me handling money better, or managing my time properly, or being more likable in the aftermath. Procrastination doesn't solve problems.

If I want to be cute and friendly and funny and all that stuff when I'm old, I should be aiming for that now. I've let useless things get in the way. Sure, I might have a while to get there. The sooner the better. As they say, time flies.