Saturday, March 8, 2008

Those aren't leaves.

They are going to break me without even trying.

We watched Across the universe last night. It was long and kind of plotless. I liked it. It made me think of how the things that matter hurt when they are taken away. I told my friend this, and he pretty much said 'duh Werner. Why did it take you a movie to see that?' It made me think about what would hurt me if it was taken away. I thought about it, and didn't come up with anything substantial. That made me sad, but only intellectually. I didn't really care.

We saw Parkland's musical play production of Grease tonight. It was terrific. It was a musical put on by a high school. I loved it. Right now, my face feel like it is covered in the makeup I would have worn, were I in it. I can smell it too. I went back after to say hey to everyone, and we got them to sign a poster, but I didn't know most of them anymore, and those I did know were too busy to talk. It kind of made sad. Not 'I should be sad so I'll say I am'. I used to be part of that family. As sad as it was too leave, it had to be done, only made better by the thought that I could come visit them again. Here I am, visiting them, but I'm not part of the family anymore, so, like, whatever. It's not the your-soul-is-being-ripped-out I was expecting. This mattered to me, at least a little bit.

You should read my thoughts. I thought out an excellent next paragraph, but wasn't typing. You would've laughed at the end. Truly spectacular. And you missed it. All because you can't read minds.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I'd want to go into anyones abyss of thoughts...

Mine are wayyyyy to complicated and random as it is. No thanks. lol

AfterVerner said...

Thats too bad

Sparrow said...

When I went to see the Music Man it was the same thing. I could almost feel like I was behind the curtains, all tense and excited. Except I was in the audience with everyone else.
It was weird.
So weird I really didn't want to do it for Grease.

(Nice to see a new blog up Werner! I speak for all the whos down in whoville when I say that, too.)

Sparrow said...

Whoops. Totally somehow managed to post that three times...

Mia Copa