Sunday, March 30, 2008


I get thoughts that I totally want to write almost all the time. Unfortunately, there is no way to write them when I receive them. I then proceed to compose what it might look like in my mind. However, during that process I start to think 'what the deuce? Man, follow the thought, see where it goes, don't stop here. You can think about it later and write it down later.' So I do, and it goes more places that I want to write down, but I have to keep going. It doesn't reach the end by the time I stop, and when I can write them down, all I remember is that I had something really good. It's a terrible feeling. But not as bad as accidentally microwaving your dog to death.

Now I'm scared that they will all look like silly not-epic-at-all ideas. They felt more.

I made a theory recently. Everybody lives in a balloon. That's my theory. Ask me about it later. You'll except it to be good, and then be horribly let down.

I decided God died to save us from a punishment we chose for ourselves because he loves us. He didn't do it so he could make us do his will. He's better at that than we are. And he didn't do it so we could become mindless puppets that don't make any decisions because we want to do his will.
He did it because he wants to be with us.

I was at a small church on a small island, and a lady who had been in Russia apparently was talking about tables. How Jesus was at a lot of tables. Like, seriously. The other day, I saw an old couple with another old woman, and they were talking pretty loudly, because I was definitely across the street when I heard them, but the man of the couple was saying to the lady,'you should come to our place tonight for dinner. We're having roast beef'. The roast beef part might not be true. But I liked that immensely. Going to fast food places all the time ruins that. Inviting someone into your house, where you have a meal for them? We are totally missing out guys.

It's pretty much an excuse. A great one. My friends never know what to do, and neither do I. I'm increasingly a fan of not doing anything, but just sitting and talking. Anywhere, about anything. It's okay. Eating a meal with someone is all of that. This is what the Russia lady from the small church on the small island was talking about. Jesus just wants to sit around with us at a table and eat with us. She mentioned a song called 'God and man at table are sat down'. She said almost no one had heard of that song, and they were too raspy to sing it, which is a shame. It's a good song. But maybe it's better they didn't. It's easy to ignore the words when you sing a song.

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