Thursday, June 28, 2007

The delicious foam on top of a disgusting glass of brown liquid

I've thought colour quite a bit, as perhaps is evident. Probably not. But I starting wondering, is it just a human thing? Dogs are colour blind. Snakes have heat sensory. Bats and other various animals have ultrasound. I think bulls are colour blind too. The movement of the cape if what makes them charge. Bugs...I don't even know. I think they function largely by touch. How many animals really need to see colour? Do we need to? Maybe I'm all wrong. Maybe animals see as much as we do. But, if they didn't, doesn't that make you feel amazing? You were given the gift of colour. Don't feel amazing yet though. It might all be bunk.

I was at spy cell, because it is Wednesday. It won't be called a 'spy' cell for much longer. Youth is being revamped. Moving downstairs, with new floor, new name, new people. But this was seen coming, back when we were getting a new youth pastor. I wonder how many things you can predict will happen, just by knowing how things work. That's why old people seem so smart. And stubborn. Jerks. Anyway, we were praying at the end, and it was great. I like praying. You might not be able to tell by looking at my life. Like how I like food, and know I need it, but I just don't really get around to eating it. If I don't fix that one soon, I might die.

At this spy cell, I did little to lead it. I really should do more. A long time ago, a cool guy named Rob told me that he managed to label what kind of leader I am. I know labels are 'bad' but I like them. It's like a personality test. It says a little about who you are. He said I was more an influential leader. It might be true. I don't think I'd follow me though. I don't think I know where I'm going. I'm terrible with decisions. Now that my life is off the railroad tracks that had been set in place from birth till now, I don't know what's next. I guess I never did, and was okay with that. That next is very quickly approaching the now, and I'd rather know what I'm doing.

I was praying. I was praying for a girl who was having trouble at home. Is having trouble at home. I wanted it to be better. I want to be the person who can help when people come forward with crap in their life. Railroad track. Anything off the track, I'm useless. Maybe a good distraction. A bandaid. Nothing truly useful. As I was praying, I thought wouldn't it be amazing if you lived like this? Right now, I want God to be all he can. I want his way to happen. To be. Why can't I always live like this? Right now, God is the most important. People have told me thats a goal, because if God is first, you are his, and pretty much able to do impossible things. Like find needles in haystacks. So, if I pray all the time...

If matched with a previous parallel, the conclusion would result in my obesity. Ha ha. I'm so funny. I don't like where I'm going right now. I'm not going anywhere. I will get on that. I've said that too much, recently.

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