Thursday, April 2, 2009

Run like a Coward

So, I was at work (I live at work) and was rather grumpy because I couldn't get anything done. I know I only have a job because of customers, but it doesn't matter how much they like me. It matters how much I get done, and how well I do it. And the next person is somewhat hosed when the person before them is behind. That's most of my drive. Getting other people hosed isn't cool in real life. Blocked goals, leading to anger, or something like that.

I was cleaning the oven, which I'm alright at by now. I don't have to think about it, so I think about other things. Like how I am going to be adventuring in June, and how I'm going bungee jumping soon, and about some sweet expensive stuff (not really expensive for what they were. Fantastic deals, in my somewhat unprofessional opinion, but someone more qualified and sales-esk said so. Just expensive for my budget of do-not-spend-money-you-fool.) that I love. About, maybe, skydiving. Sky diving is way cooler. Just ask anyone.

I was speaking with Laura about how cool sky diving is. And expensive. She was saying that the first time you go, you are strapped to a professional, just in case. We joked about him cutting you lose when things went wrong. It was funny. I still think it is. I imagined myself being cut lose, and just falling. Nothing you could do. Or maybe there is. Sky diving would be an easy way to die. It got me thinking to how someone would live after such an experience. At least, in the immediate time after. Life would be a gift. Beautiful. Every decent opportunity that came, taken. I decided I want to live like that, so I really have to jump off something. Or maybe I could just start now. Live like there is no tomorrow.

Once again, another not too new thought with Werner, while he should have been sleeping. It seemed profound at 3 in the morning though.


Matthew said...

I want to go skydiving

Bryi said...

I love those profound-at-3am thoughts. When you look at them later, they're weird and distant and beautiful. Like tired poetry.

It's funny how it can often take a close brush with death to make us realize how precious life is. I heard about this lady once, who went skydiving and her parachute didn't she free-fell a few thousand feet and got really messed up, but she lived. I bet her life looked a lot prettier after that.

zeppelinphan said...

good blog post. i dont know if falling to your death would be that easy. well physically yes it would. but i thinks it would be scary to just see the ground getting closer and closer waiting for the final thud that kills you.....but yes not thinking about that. skydiving would be lots of fun if you were not put in that situation. i would totaly do it if i had the money.

i mean we are going bunjee jumping its kinda like that but without the rope and you jump off a plane instead of a brige.