Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Wonder What He Is Captain Of...

10 hours to go. 21 hours in.

It seems I'm good at making not friends. Wednesday night I worked. 4 in the morning, some dork came in. Wanted me to make a whole pizza for him. Jerk. He only wanted one ain't a crazy fast seller at four in the morning. Nothing is. Coffee and papers might just be the winners. I was sort of crashing. Night shifts don't mix well with me having a life, which I was trying to do at the time. That was probably the hardest, maybe second hardest I've ever crashed. I told that to shut up and get out. Well...first I refuse him for about five minutes, then asked what kind of pizza he wanted. He was still kind of hung up on the 'I can refuse service to whoever I want' bit. It was annoying. I told him to shut up and I'd make him a freaking pizza. You just told me to shut up. I'm leaving. Alright, get out. You just told me to get out. Yup. You don't have to be such a prick. Don't you love drunks? He called half an hour later, still whining about his damn pizza. So I made him one, but he never came. What a jerk.

Last night, another drunk came in. He was being friendly. I find them annoying, but I'd rather friendly over...well, I let him use the washroom (we don't have one at night, by the way. Should have refused him right there.), and he was grateful and left. Came back, got a pizza, made comments about robbing the place, said 2 dollars for pizza is taking all his money (pizza is essential at two thirty in the morning. Frick.). I told him to have a good night. You know, implying his exit. He didn't seem to get it (or like it), so I kept on that track. He said something about bashing my head and , and about how I was going to go home and play video games. Man. I wish I were. And we were friends in the beginning.

It seems I'm getting worse at keeping those. temper temper.

9 and a half hours to go.

1 comment:

zeppelinphan said...

a temper is a hard thing to control when you have real jerks come into your work. although im postive you have had worst costomers then me because you get the drunk four in the morning people.

i have had this one girl call the store and bitch at me for about half an hour because she wanted a refund for something over the phone. i tryed to explan to her that i would be glad to give her a refund but unfortinitly there is not way to do it over then phone and she would actually have to come in. this was followed by alot of yelling and saying its stupid how she had to spend her gas money and all that crap. she did the same thing to other people the next day apperently.

i have alos had lots of americans whine because i cant give them american money in change....becasue we are in canada.

anyway try to hold in there. your having adventures this summer right? just try to think of thoes to keep you going. and your also pumped to get off the rock in september remember that. i know upcomming adventures are what help me get by days at work.