Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I shouldn't do this. But, why not? It proves my point, of sort.

I've decided a couple things that apply to everyone. That we are all absurd, and until we understand this, we are all jerks. It's kind of like sheep.

At any job I work, I am forced into contact with humans. Or they are forced into contact with me. People who would not dream of talking to me. Mothers, mechanics, seniors, forty year old men, children. Pretty much anyone. Everyone. There's one guy, he is friendly enough, but kind of weird. He comes often. In my uniform he will talk to me about anything. Everything. But on the street, he will cross the road to avoid walking by me. These strange people are subjected to me, whoever I am. If I'm a loud philippino lady or a girl who doesn't smile or a very strange lady. It doesn't matter. They must endure me. And I them. And through all this, I must say that people are tres bizarre.

It's scary how individualistic we are. It's scary that helping people who need help is out of the ordinary. That strangers are people to be afraid of, even though they are just like you. Mostly.

If this didn't connect, the first sentence is true.


Bryi said...

That strangers are people to be afraid of, even though they are just like you. Mostly.

Yes. This.

jarjar_head said...

"At any job I work, I am forced into contact with humans. Or they are forced into contact with me. People who would not dream of talking to me."

"It's scary how individualistic we are. It's scary that helping people who need help is out of the ordinary. That strangers are people to be afraid of, even though they are just like you. Mostly."

There's nothing wrong with being a valued member of a community, the concern is having the community identity supersede the individual identity. I suppose the rise of corporations and large groups of people who associate with one idea or another has fueled a counter-surge in individualism. When you work at a job, you put yourself aside. You become a spokesperson for that institution. That's what people are raging against.

Personally, I'm going to blame mass media for sensationalism about strangers. We are led to believe from an early age that they are potential kidnappers, pedophiles, or criminals. The truth is most strangers are regular people. The number of pedophiles, rapists, serial killers and the like has only grown in proportion with the rest of the population. What has grown is over-reporting, and thus, sensationalism.