Monday, October 6, 2008

killer whales.

I went to Nanoose Bay this weekend and it was really cool. I don't actually know why I go to Nanoose Bay ever. I don't know anyone. Everyone else who goes has friends that they are coming to see. I don't. Why do I go? No idea. It was there that I first encountered Marcel. For those of you who don't know, Marcel is my favourite speaker of all time, and he probably doesn't even know I exist. But that's my fault. This time the speaker was named Chris King. I like him a bunch too.

Chris said a lot of things, and didn't care if people were offended. One thing he said that I'm dwelling on little was how youth leaders and the like who are leading youth groups should be teaching the youth to be the church, to get out there and love and such. I thought about that for a moment, along with why I go to church. Why I go to youth. I don't know why. Recently, less of my friends come to youth. I guess they are out growing it or turning heathen or something. That's okay though. When I see them I tell them they should come and they say they will but they don't. Why should they come?

I don't mind if they don't come. I think, as a leader, or better put, as leaders, we can just pour into the youth who do come. I don't know how to make it sound epic, but this subtle shift has changed my perspective a bit. Maybe more. We shall see.

1 comment:

MC said...

I don't want to be like "oh i agree! I agree! Pick me!" But I think i actually see your point.

Correct to say that you're not devaluing church in its raw essence : the body of Christ?

But rather that its ok if we are not all showing up every sunday morning or friday night... if it means we're spending time doing what we've been trained on sunday mornings or friday nights to do.

But lets weigh this out:

1.) if we're at the point where what we're hearing at a sunday morning or friday night is just rehashing old news that we should have acted on a long time ago (evident if we don't get much out of it?)
then maybe we should leave that service and not come back unless its to serve.
(Note: I'm not out disvalue the institutionalized church. I think its very important.)

2.)But if we're out living it out, we're going to need church- real church- more than ever. And by that i mean the fellowship of believers, not necessarily sunday mornings or friday nights... but we can't write them off all together either because that might be the fellowship for you right?

3.) Sunday night and friday nights might not be for everybody, but it is a big deal for somebody (somebody that was once you and I), so can't be too critical right?

But hey, maybe our services dropping in numbers is as much a vital sign in one way as it is in another way when they rise.
I could get on that philosophical train.

All While Keeping Hebrews 10: 24-25 in mind

"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (NIV)