Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My anchor's ashore

I wish I could sell responsibilities. I wish other people would buy them. Or even just take them. For free. Maybe this is what stress is?

I finished Chuck's book. He met with people everyday to pray and meet God. They did something like that way back in the day. Some say we can't do that these days because we are too busy. Garbage. Right now, that is just adding more responsibilities and stuff though. It matters more than the rest I suppose. But...How many excuses would you like?

It's totally my birthday tomorrow. Last year I tried not telling anybody. It resulted in no one caring. So this year, I figured I'd do whatever. I'm giving a friend of mine a present tomorrow. I might pay for another ones lunch. That's how hobbits do it, I hear. The aged one gives presents to all his friends on his birthday.

I guess it is my birthday now. I can grace you with my writing prowess. Hmm.

I like to try to make things work. Not like watches. More like events. Nah, more like scheduling. The most efficient has you doing lots of junk. I built today a few hours ago.

I can't continue.

1 comment:

MC said...

hm... you sound a little self defeating. By the way, your prowess to make things happen is a leadership quality that many of us lack and i'm sure many are drawn to you for. I know I am.
That aside for a moment, you are not a hobbit. And if i am not "aged", as i think I am not, than neither are you... but if you want to give me presents on your b-day that's another story.
I guess We, especially in this strangely driven western culture, do spend a lot on filling time with things that are relatively useless... but if i may say, i don't think your expeditures are as futile as you might suggest. Even you must have thought that time spent wasted are hours best wasted with someone else which are not really hours wasted at all b/c when it all comes down to it isn't it about relationship? Sure we could stand to be more intentional on many levels. just to say, you are clearly relationally driven - probably much more than the hermit i am. Thats why i suggest that you don't throw out the cherry with the pina colada.

I havn't forgotten your present.