Monday, May 5, 2008

it's farther than I can see

This morning I was ready for work, and asked mom to give me a ride. She said okay. She wanted to beat a couple more bad guys first though. My mom totally plays video games. More on that later. We went out to the car, but as we went she started saying something about hoping she hadn't locked the keys in the car. Well, she totally did. We tried to break in with coat hangers, but she had the better side and we both don't break into cars often. She called the guys who do, and they were going to take forty five minutes. Cool. Definitely not going in a car. So I got my bike and went. I tried to go pretty fast too, because I was actually already late. I had called them to let them know though. I cut through that shortcut by Tommy's old house, and there were a bunch of cars in the way, so I went between a couple. I'm pretty pro like that. But the ground wasn't even. It went something like cement driveway, dirt, cement curb. The dirt was definitely lower, and I wasn't going slowly. It made a good thump. Whenever that happens, I get scared that I might be destroying my bike, but nothing happened right away. Then it made a strange sound. Then it thumped progressively more. Sweet. Flat back tire. I was close by then so I walked it. Then the other person who was supposed to come to work today didn't come because they were sick. I had some good plans for today, but these events unraveled them pretty well.

I was going to write something about video games, and how they make odd relationships, but maybe later.

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