Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My anchor's ashore

I wish I could sell responsibilities. I wish other people would buy them. Or even just take them. For free. Maybe this is what stress is?

I finished Chuck's book. He met with people everyday to pray and meet God. They did something like that way back in the day. Some say we can't do that these days because we are too busy. Garbage. Right now, that is just adding more responsibilities and stuff though. It matters more than the rest I suppose. But...How many excuses would you like?

It's totally my birthday tomorrow. Last year I tried not telling anybody. It resulted in no one caring. So this year, I figured I'd do whatever. I'm giving a friend of mine a present tomorrow. I might pay for another ones lunch. That's how hobbits do it, I hear. The aged one gives presents to all his friends on his birthday.

I guess it is my birthday now. I can grace you with my writing prowess. Hmm.

I like to try to make things work. Not like watches. More like events. Nah, more like scheduling. The most efficient has you doing lots of junk. I built today a few hours ago.

I can't continue.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Memory Lapse

Man, I'm pooped.

Thursday I was at Subway for 12 hours, 11 til 11, which is completely ridiculous, and then for 7 hours the next morning. And two days before that, on tuesday, I went to the dentist, who made my mouth hurt a bunch. The secretary told me to take it easy, but I couldn't really. I had to work that night. I think those combined probably did me in. Peninsula United friday night, help set up for that. Try to act like a leader of some sort. It's hard to meet people who are already in their circle. You have to be confident. I was tired. Car wash Saturday morning. That was surprisingly more physically taxing than anticipated. Is that redundant? The next days are pretty full too. Fuller than I like them. In four days though, I'll be fine. Almost there. It's a good kind of tired. Like when you are climbing a mountain.

Chuck has a beautiful story. It's inspiring. I'm not done yet though. I hope that Mark's word relate somehow. He's been good at that recently. I already told you that. I'm almost done. Almost there.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cookie jar

I'm going to praise my book writing friend Mark, again. Maybe it's just because I am where I am and I'm reading that into what he is saying, but even if I am, it doesn't seem like far of a jump. He spoke of how we are perpetually busy and that drives us. In circles. He mentioned briefly something about time that my friend John Charles Kerr talked about more in depth somewhere, about kairos and chronos. I would try to describe them to you, but I'll steal it from somewhere else.

Kairos (καιρός) is an ancient Greek word meaning the "right or opportune moment". The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies "a time in between", a moment of undetermined period of time in which "something" special happens. What the special something is depends on who is using the word. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative nature.

I got that from here

Back to Mark, he talked of 'a holy must' that everyone has, or is given. That was definitely his focus, but we went into it more, and the more we went in, the less it made sense. That might be because one of us confused 'must' for 'musk', and that kept messing me up. It might have also had to do with me correcting information that wasn't fact even though it was presented as such. It was irrelevant either way. Focus was cast to the ground and trampled by wombats.

It fit, since this week I'm in now feels ridiculously busy. There is work and youth stuff and dentist appointments and small errands, like changing banks and fixing flat tires. And I found another friend named Chuck. He was pretty up there politically, and wrote a book. I don't know a thing about politics, but he said he didn't know much about writing, so it's okay.

In the end, it is harder to be responsible.

Monday, May 5, 2008

it's farther than I can see

This morning I was ready for work, and asked mom to give me a ride. She said okay. She wanted to beat a couple more bad guys first though. My mom totally plays video games. More on that later. We went out to the car, but as we went she started saying something about hoping she hadn't locked the keys in the car. Well, she totally did. We tried to break in with coat hangers, but she had the better side and we both don't break into cars often. She called the guys who do, and they were going to take forty five minutes. Cool. Definitely not going in a car. So I got my bike and went. I tried to go pretty fast too, because I was actually already late. I had called them to let them know though. I cut through that shortcut by Tommy's old house, and there were a bunch of cars in the way, so I went between a couple. I'm pretty pro like that. But the ground wasn't even. It went something like cement driveway, dirt, cement curb. The dirt was definitely lower, and I wasn't going slowly. It made a good thump. Whenever that happens, I get scared that I might be destroying my bike, but nothing happened right away. Then it made a strange sound. Then it thumped progressively more. Sweet. Flat back tire. I was close by then so I walked it. Then the other person who was supposed to come to work today didn't come because they were sick. I had some good plans for today, but these events unraveled them pretty well.

I was going to write something about video games, and how they make odd relationships, but maybe later.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The best I can be is Jamaican

So, I'm a tiny bit scared that I'm turning into Calvin. Calvin owns the subway I work at. He is quite a bit weird, but I think he is funny. I was blowing my nose the other day, because I was getting over my head cold that is pretty much gone now, and he said 'You had a good nose, but then you blew it'. And he blames me for almost everything. Carolyn thinks that is why he likes me working days. I think she was joking about that though. He came in one night with a vacuum to vacuum things that needed to be vacuumed, and asked me what I did with the power outlet. Yeah, I had to move it because I was changing the place around? I can totally move power outlets. And he thinks horrible things are funny. Well, this one isn't too bad, but we have this spray bottle thing that we spray the bread with. It makes the bread grow right or something. I'm not going to finish this. Think of horribly funny things someone could do with a spray bottle. Of water.

If I were organized, I might right something like that. Organized. It's hard to get out of the box when everything connects though.
I'm split.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Can I move when I am Paralyzed

It is so warm here. And it sounds like the heater is on. Let me fix that.
It was on 20. I don't know what that means fully, but I know it is warmer than it needs to be. Maybe I have a fever? No, you get cold with fevers. Right?

I'm a little under the weather. The beautiful weather. Yesterday my throat hurt, today my head feels like it is sick. I hope I don't get everyone else sick too. It is too nice to be stuck home sick. And my Mom just got back from the hospital recently.

Sunday morning her stomach was hurting, but we convinced her to come to church. She did, and I left to go play football in the rain or something silly. When I got home, I found out she was in hospital, and they were keeping her overnight. Just for observation. They kept her another day before the let her come home. She says that they think it was some sort of muscle thing. Apparently your body starts to destroy itself as you get older.

How are you supposed to react to that though. 'Oh, by the way,your mom is in the hospital.' ..what do you do? You know what else I don't understand? Goodbyes. I watched a friend of mine get on a plane and go home, and he's gone. It's weird. Another friend of mine leaves in a couple days. I don't think I have a point. I just don't understand.

I made a friend of mine a sandwich. I gave it to him for free. When I got home, he spent some longer-than-necessary amount of time thanking me. He started telling me how fabulous I am and how I am a good person who God is using. I don't think a sandwich equals that. Maybe to someone else, who needed the food. Not to him. I guess it was nice to do, but I couldn't tell you why I did it. I can't tell you why I'm doing anything right now.

I could tell you what I'm doing though. It's on a calender on my wall.