Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pumpkin pie

Sometimes I just need to write something here so I will stop thinking about stuff to write here. I plane logs now again. It doesn't take up much mental anything, so it's easy to let the mind drift. And so it does.

I thought about regrets. What if I could go back in time in my life, and live life again from that point on, with all the knowledge I have now? What if I could go back to when I was in highschool, and realized I could do anything I wanted, and actually did something instead of waiting for it to do itself? What if I wasn't scared of new situations and people because they weren't new? Man, I would do things different. Then I realized I was now. Planing logs. It weirded me out a bit. If going back, I would do things different, why don't I do the things that come now how I think I should have done them then? If that makes sense. I'll try again. I'd be friendlier and less shy, more likable if I returned to past situations. Why don't I do this with current situations? Then I thought I should write this down. But there were logs to plane... so I didn't.

But I did keep pondering it. If I did go back and get myself all skilled like in highschool, there is a really good chance I wouldn't be where I am now. Which I guess is part of why I'd want to go back and change stuff. But if I had stuff going, getting skilled and all that, would I have still gone to camp for most of the summer? And, more importantly, gone back the next summer for the whole thing? Because without camp I never met her, and without the next year our relationship never grew. And it continues to grow. If I knew going back and getting skilled made me rich, but I never met her, I don't think I would get rich. This is sounding like one of those movies, where a married guy isn't happy with life, and has a redo. Like seventeen again. Or Shrek. Kind of.

Wisdom was on my mind a bit, so I started reading proverbs. It is true that wisdom has lots to do with listening, and taking advice and rebukes to heart, but 'a word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver'. Or something like that. Even a fool is considered wise if he keeps his mouth shut. Wisdom is much more than not talking.

I'm learning (the hard way) that the easy way out is never worth it. Maybe not never. 'Never' and 'Always' should not be used in arguments. Nor should accusatory sentences. "You never listen" "You are always late" Bad. Anyway, I play a nerd game sometimes, and you can beat it, keep a skill, and then play it again, with the option to make it harder. or not. But the harder you make it, the better the rewards are. This might not all make sense. Don, my favourite author, wrote a book about story, about how good stories are about character who overcome a crisis to get what they want. That makes a good story. He went on to talk about how those same principles that make a good story can make a good life.

The harder things are, the more you want to back out. But, if you stick it through, if you overcome, you are something more afterwards. You've grown. If you run out, or give in, give up, you lose. The rewards are nothing, if they are rewards at all, compared to sticking with it. To overcoming. Check out Revelations 2-3. To him who overcomes...

It's worth it.


Natasha said...

precisely my thoughts most of the times I can say, i wonder 'what if's so many times. but one thing here, you have left a lot of things incomplete? am I right or is it just that way?

AfterVerner said...

Probably. Let me know where you would like me to finish most, and I'll see what else I have to say. And even try to stay on topic. See, I kind of make it up as I go. The rabbit trails lead me places I never thought they would go. Or maybe I did. Rabbit trails are never at the end of a thought..

Natzy said...

thats because they always lead to another which makes them never- ending. I sometimes wonder that sometimes, Im still in highschool so its over less trivial things such as "i regret not doing by art coursework when i have 1 week to complete 1 months worth". I also wonder about the future, and wonder whether i will regret things once ive done them, but then i think if i never did them i wouldn't be able to say i regretted doing them, so i get what you mean. And life isnt really about getting rich, If i had to pick over a really hot guy who'd stick by me whatever or a chocolate mansion I'd pick the guy. maybe. lol . I love your blog by the way, and theres nothing wrong with planing wood, where would we be if wood was never planed?

AfterVerner said...

Haha, well, maybe we'd build tree houses in the forest. Out of fallen sticks. Primitive? Yes. Too cool to turn down...


I'm glad you like it. Maybe I'll post something else in a few days. Or a week. Or two...

MC said...

I don't think regrets are a very good way to spend energy. What interests me is that we could all give our 5 or even 1 year ago self some great tips. Every year I used to think "boy, I was stupid when i was 18, but now that i'm 19 I have it all figured out" or, "boy, I was stupid when I was 19, but now that I'm 20..."
Interestingly, however, I haven't thought that this year. And funny thing is, it was a year I wanted to take back or give up every second day I was in it. It was hard and didn't add up, but I somehow don't regret it. I think moving forward means some hard days and some wrong moves and grinning and bearing both. For me, Its also realizing that I don't know much of anything at all.
Strange, I think admitting my ignorance actually frees me to step out and make mistakes. Who I am today is a product of successes- and failures, I've made before. It takes courage to step out and try new things, but it might help to know that I've probably got no more to loose than I did last year- and a lot more to gain.

Easier said than done though

Nice blog

Benni Copelin said...

I decided to keep my mouth shut so I would be considered wise.... :-)

Ritz said...

this is to a good way to let looses and let you mind just be free to express the way you feel or whatever you want. It seems like you did just that.

Benni Copelin said...

I just reread your post here. Life has had some strange twists in the last 6 months. the last paragraph you wrote about the harder life gets...that was inspirational. and I needed to be reminded about that.

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