Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I heard of a story where an interviewer was asking a pastor how much Jesus meant to him. The pastor didn't say anything. He just cried. I thought that was beautiful, but kind of weird. Then, one day, I started thinking about how my dad loves me. It made me cry a little. It's really quite wonderful. I've heard Jesus loves better than any man. It doesn't make me cry though. Maybe I don't know it yet.
There was a girl, and when she started praying, it was evident that this was something she was familiar with. Who she was talking to. Honestly, I didn't listen to her prayer much at all. She spoke as someone speaking to someone they could tell anything to. Someone she had spent oodles of time with. 
I kind of sort of want what these people have. This pastor. This girl. It's a bit hard to think that you can find someone inside a book. Isn't there more?

1 comment:

MC said...

Sounds familliar

is it just hard to believe in a perfect God in a world that only tries at perfection?
Is it hard to know God when everyone you knew before who seemed so good ended up letting you down?
Or is it just impossible to hold the hand of that whom you can not see in a world suspended between light and dark?
But i guess that's what faith is though it be the struggle of all my life. Didn't Jesus say something to the effect of ,
"you see and still you don't believe. Blessed are those who do not see and yet still believe"?